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Green Leaves


Updated: May 20, 2023

Welcome to the Inspiring Space of, HairBunny

I can not wait to tell you all about little ol' me and to share with you the possibilities that the Hair industry can offer you with this website of mine!

First off, My Government name is Cecilia, but we like to have fun here and you can call me Cece. I am a desert rat in Arizona and love to heat things up behind the chair. I have been a Hairstylist for 8 years and counting! I am now on this new adventure of exploring the possibilities #BeyondTheChair and I'm super excited to share my journey with you and give you a glimpse into the world of hair!

As we know, being a hairstylist is physically and mentally demanding, and after years of standing for hours on end and contorting our bodies to create that perfect swoop., we're all a little banged up. But you know what? It's totally worth it.To be able to help the client showcase who they are and or want to represent is a gift that is just fucking worth it. I want to talk about it all, with you, and with the community on how to prevent burnout, how to communicate effectively with clients, and just how to create art without injuring yourself. This is just the beginning and I can not wait to jump in with yall.

The above portrait was taken by the lovely @Andreamaciasimages

That's why I want to use this space to talk about everything related to the hair industry. From preventing burnout and communicating with clients, to creating beautiful art without hurting yourself, I'm here to dish all the deets. And this is just the beginning! I'm excited to jump in with you all and explore all the possibilities beyond the chair.

I originally got the name 'HairBunny' because of the Energizer Bunny! I was loud and energetic and it just seemed to fit. Just to find out that the name is also a Hair Vitamin.. whoops. By the way, Bunnies are so stinkin' cute. As a little bunny in this big blue world, i intend to have an impact with a zing!

After 8 years in this industry, I've come to realize that the most important things to me are investing in my health, loving my craft, and being surrounded by impactful energy. Taking care of yourself mentally, and your body physically is the key and having a platform to share what's worked for me with others is beautiful. The love of the craft is unlike anything else and truly is a state of passion that keeps giving. Sometimes I lose myself in the moment of doing hair, it's therapeutic for me and an outlet I rely on. Lastly, Energy. The one thing that you carry every day, that can hold you back or propel you forward. Being an artist, we attract those that are just like us and have similarities in all parts of our lives. And I just Love all of it that it embodies. The energy we give and receive is what makes all the difference.

This is more than just a blog – it's a community. I want clients, stylists, creators, and friends to come together in one place to learn, support each other, and have a good time. So, sign up and join the fun! As a client, you'll have access to exclusive offers, raffles, and all sorts of hair and life advice. And as a stylist, you'll get even more – a special space to connect with others and chat about all things hair.

Thank you for the Continued Love

Enjoy the world of HairBunny and always know you have a friend in me <3

Sign up below and start exploring!

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Green Leaves
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